Whether it’s buying a chocolate bar to fend off hunger pangs or selecting a car to express a lifestyle, every sale starts with a need or aspiration. To sell effectively requires understanding. Knowledge is power — but knowledge combined with experience is far more valuable.
In this book I look at the principles of financial services selling. You’ll see the often amusing ways that these sales can happen and the pitfalls you should look out for. Every profession has seen changes in regulation and governance, affecting the business and its management, and this book will set those in their proper context.
I look hard at ‘middle management’ and explain the frustrations you are bound to encounter as you mature through your own career and strive for professional success. You will recognise many of these growing pains in yourself.
Having read this book, you will feel able to put my experience together with your knowledge and become more successful.
Trust me, I am an insurance salesperson!
Book price: £9.99, available as a paperback (+Postage) or e-reader. (Confirm preference with order)
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